Saturday, August 25, 2007

How are you smart?

It's a simple question. Yet, when trying to answer simply, the question becomes more complex. Think of Howard Gardner's research in Multiple Intelligences, your own strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, and the surveys we did in class. Now, how are you smart? What is your learning style? How might being able to identify your own learning style actually help you learn anything? Think about it. Then post your thoughts.

(survey developed by Laura Chandler) You might want to try taking it if you haven't already!


Mrs. McI said...

Hopefully, after reviewing your learning styles on Wednesday and Thursday, you will be ready to post a reply.

jamie said...

hey i loved doing the entry in the class today! your the best teacher ever and i think this year with you with be wonderful! and i have one of these blog things too!
well see you in class friday!

BenjyStroud said...

today when we done the survey, i found out some new things but not much about myself, and i agree with jamie, this year should be great with you being our teacher!

Prime-Daddy said...

hello See ya Tuesday have A good Labor Day


Prime-Daddy said...

Prime-Daddy Is in the house i liked the how are you smart thing.

Shaun dunn

softball_poet said...

Hey Mrs. McI,
I want to learn more about my learning type, but I want to learn about everyone elses, too. I tutor a friend on the bus and this has really helped me help her already.

momma's boi said...

Yeahhh Boiiii! That Little entry was alright. It told me about things that I didn't Know myself.

Unknown said...

Hey Mrs.McIntyre. I really enjoyed doing the how are you smart test. i learned alot about my learning style and now that i know more maybe i can use that to help me advance in school.

Courtney Smith

Twinkie said...

Hey Mrsmci,
Hope you had a good weekend. Really like the class on Friday. Thanks helping me find how I'm smart. Well see ya Wed.

Unknown said...

wassup mrs. mcintyre how are ya i love ur class its great and i just no its gonna be a great year.

Mrs. McI said...

Hey Softball_poet... I am so happy to hear that you are tutoring and can see the benefits as a teacher! One question... what is your off-screen name???

Mrs. McI said...

To Jamie, Ben, Shaun,Softball_poet,momma's boi, Courtney, Twinkie, and Jasmine... I'm so glad you all found the time to check out and post to our blog! Let's see what we can do with this for our poetry unit! Any ideas??

Jarrett said...

It was fine learning about how we are smart. I was nature smart. I already knew this but, its great to get reasurement.

Unknown said...

Mrs. M., i dont know if i set this email thing up right


Unknown said...

but im pretty sure i did.

i am happy with how im smart- nature, logical, and musical!

anonymous said...

I enjoyed the class we had on How You Are Smart. I am the same as Jarrett, nature smart. I new that also becouse I always like to go on hikes with my Dad and I like to go hunting too. Thanks for the lesson you tought us and I hope to have more fun in your classes.

Unknown said...

hey mrs mcintyre i liked doing that game the other day. i learned alot of different things about myself.

Anonymous said...

hey mrs mcintyre.
i think this year is going to be really fun.i have enjoyed the stuff we have done so far and i look forward to the rest of the year.