Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 - Discussion Questions

1.  Who should be in charge of monitoring the types of materials (books, music, movies,etc.) we are exposed to?  Why?

2.  "Television is a really dreadful influence on all of us.  don't ever look at local television news again.  It's all crap.  There's no news, there's no information.  It's negative, negative, negative.  You look at that, and you think the world is coming to an end.  Television is very dangerous, because it repeats and repeats and repeats our disasters instead of our triumphs." -- Ray Bradbury, Paris Voice 1990.

Agree?  Disagree?  Explain.


robbie said...

1. our selves because if we think we are ready for something like and R rated movie then we can go.But if another person says no its to bad then you wont know if you were ready. so if you are in charge you choose what your ready for and what is good for you


robbie said...

2. disagree because television is 1 of the main sources of learning for people. for people example the newstells us the weather and if we don't watch it we won't know. somethings don't influence us the right way because some things on tv are bad for us.


SusKamery_24 said...

1.) I think that my parents should have control over what I listen to, watch and read. They pay for the things that I have and they take care of me. I think that gives them the right to have control over what I do in my spare time.

2.) Honestly, I believe that the news mostly talks about our negatives. But, it does show us our triumphs at times also. Our negatives do get blown up and repeated a lot though. I overall agree with Ray Bradbury. The news should start talking about our positives more than our negatives.

-Susan Kamery

Anonymous said...

1. I think young adults should monitor the types of materials. I think they should because they're the young age group that would understand a teengagers opinion and the older people too. They're basically our genereation to understand what's going on. Also, young adults are just learning but will soon have more knowledge. Therefore, this is why I think young adults should be in charge.

2. I agree, but then again I disagree. Yes, tv is full of "crap" sometimes because everything they say isn't true. Although, I don't think tv is a dreadful influence. When you look at the news, I think the world isn't coming to an end, that's just a big exaggeration. Tv may repeat itself, but it lets you know what does on in the world.

Mrs. McI said...

I understand your frustration with Poetry Out Loud. However, I wonder why you chose a poem that you didn't understand? There are so many poems available to you online. Next year, may I suggest that you choose a poem that makes sense to you? This will help you with the oral interpretation. Don't forget too, ask when you have questions. We worked on several strategies on how to make our own meaning out of a poem. Maybe these strategies could have helped.

robbie said...


With poetry out loud there is not many poems to choose from that teens would like. So next year maby we could try picking any poem on the web instead of poems only on poetry out loud.

Mrs. McI said...

I LOVE your post about parents having control over what you read, listen to, watch, etc. While I believe that to some extent this is true, I would hope that parents (and their children) realize that a parents' job is to start out with the most control and then slowly, carefully, responsibly, teach their children to think for themselves, be responsible for themselves, and make their own decisions. Our job is to slowly and lovingly release you into a world where you can think for yourselves. We turn the power over to you, so to speak, and hope you will make the right decisions based on the foundation and guidance we gave you! What a mature answer on your part.

robbie said...


I understand your post about the parent controlling everything but what if there was a new song that had 1 or 2 swear words and you parents didn't like it , but you wanted it because you love the song. Then what would you do?

HayyBlade95 said...

1.I think that my parents should have a say in what I listen to, read, and watch. At the same time I feel that I should still be able to listen to, read, and watch what I have an interest in. My parents could approve of what I like before I listen to it, read it, or watch it.

2.I agree, because if the majority of what they are showing on televion and in the news is negative then all they are doing is making us look like the bad ones. Sure some are positive remarks or stories, but if there was a little bit more positive than negative it wouldn't take away from who we are as a society as much as it does.

~Hayleigh Blade~

Antonioli1 said...

I think that the government should be in charge of monitoring the types of materials we are exposed to. There are threats and bullying on the web that people don’t see. The government could take care of most of the problems. They could terminate the exploitation of books, movies, and music. There could be less conflict in the world if the government would take control.

Antonioli1 said...

2. I disagree with Roy Bradbury’s opinion. He doesn’t take into consideration a lot of educational and factual programs there are on television. Televisions programs keep people up to date on what is happening, or what has happened. Programs such as biographies or autobiographies that are televised are almost always factual. The television also has sports teams that people watch and learn about.

juliena said...

I dont think that people should be in charge of what you listen to or read, etc..because everyone had different tastes in things. I believe that everyone should be in charge of their own actions. It's not right to have someone monitor all your activites that you do. If the authors and publishers who came up with this stuff did not want certain people coming in contact with the things they made, then they should not have made it exposed to the world.

I agree and disagree with the news being "crap." I agree because they should not be putting into peoples minds that the world is coming to an end because every person has a different thought. I disagree because the news is one of fewer knowledgable televison shows, that does give some of information that is true.

juliena haskins.

Cortney said...

I agree with kyle. Not all of the new people watch is negative. There is the history channel which all of that is suppose to be true and the news does focus on some of the positive things, they just make a bigger deal about about the negitive.

Cortney Padlo

Cortney said...

I agree with Kyle. Not all things on TV are negitive. You mostly see just the negitive things on TV because I think they want to educate us and have us relize that we shouldn't do whatever they are talking about. Also learn from their mistake.

becker123 said...

1) I believe no one should monitor the books,movies, and music. We should be uncharted of what we are exposed to. It seems if anyone censors what we read because it seems like a dictatorship.

Colby Becker

becker123 said...

2) I agree that the news brings up more tragedy than triumph. But I disagree with no tv because of how convenient it is
Colby Becker

becker123 said...

1) I believe no one should monitor the books,movies, and music. We should be uncharted of what we are exposed to. It seems if anyone censors what we read because it seems like a dictatorship.

Colby Becker

becker123 said...

1) I believe no one should monitor the books,movies, and music. We should be uncharted of what we are exposed to. It seems if anyone censors what we read because it seems like a dictatorship.

Colby Becker

Lexiisawesome1239 said...

1. Ourselves. No one will truly know what is best for everyone's well bring. Although I do agree restrictions are required to some extent, the rules and regulations should not interfere with one's personal development but focus on molding a well respected citizen.

Lexiisawesome1239 said...

1. Ourselves. No one will truly know what is best for everyone's well bring. Although I do agree restrictions are required to some extent, the rules and regulations should not interfere with one's personal development but focus on molding a well respected citizen.

Lexiisawesome1239 said...

2. I do agree that the negative news does makes us a little pessimistic about our world. But by being informed of disasters, famines, and crimes, it is allowing people to be educated about the world around us. We as humans cannot be sheltered. We must know of our surroundings and practice our own opinions and solutions.

Christian Gayton said...

I think there shouldn't be anybody controlling what we listen to or read. There are too many opinions in the world to limit and it wouldn't be a realist idea that the government would be able to quiet them all.

Christian Gayton said...

I agree and disagree with Mr. Bradbury's decision. The only thing is that in the world today there aren't very many people that are doing absolutely great things. A famous quote I learned was, "Character is who you are when no one is watching." If this is true and everyone has a good character then the media won't find out about the great things in the world only the police reports that are published and updated.

-I forgot my name on the first one
Christian Gayton

MorganS said...

I believe that everyone should be in charge of monitoring their own materials he or she is exposed to. No one should tell a person that they can not see or watch something because they have no say in how you live. If you want or do not want to watch or read or listen to something then you should be able to. People will find a way to get what they want and do whats best for themselves.

Ayowyn said...

1) I Believe No one shold monitor no Censor is a better Word. Now if you have been paying attention to the news recently Congres has been trying to pass a bill called sopa. This bill Gives Componies the right to take down a website easier. Much Easier! So i think censorship is a bad idea. as willeam ernest Henly said "I am the Master Of My Fate. I Am The Captin Of My Soul" And Even if it was Censored we would resist
♥B Hawk

dj aar bear said...

nobody because its what we like to watch or listen to. if somebody says you cant listen to that you have to listen to this its not fair. this is America we are free here. people feel bad when then cant do what they want.

dj aar bear said...

i agree and disagree with that statement. i agree with him saying things keep repeating on tv. with things they put on tv its always bad things never good things people do. i disagree because sometimes watching tv is like a get away for some people. when you watch tv i think it calms you.

lexi01 said...

I agree and disagree with Mr. Ray Bradbury's quote. For example i agree because a lot of people now do spend their time watching TV. Television has made people think that's how some things are actually true, for instance a scary movie or kid shows, those are all made up. A reason i disagree is because some shows are actually productive and state facts about earth, science, and history. all those things people can learn by watching television.

greyjones12 said...

I think that we as students should be able to dictate what materials we are exposed to, because if we are not interested in what we are being exposed to, then how are we expected to enjoy our everyday lives? -Grey Jones

I disagree, because television is not all about the news, or the latest gossip. TV was originally made to just entertain people. Even though our failures and our disasters have been intensified through the use of tv, the world is not coming to an end. We still have things that highlight the good aspects, and there are still those ongoing entertainment shows that continue to keep our country laughing.

tketch said...

I agree with Ray Bradbury that television has a dreadful influence on us. But, only sometimes. There are shows out there that are very educational and can teach you. At the same time there are other shows that have really no point. Those shows are just made for entertainment, mostly by showing other peoples' drama.

-Taylor Ketchner

richardsonb said...

i agree with Ray Bradbury because the news is so negative, nobody wants to talk about the good things that happen because people might think that it isnt as interesting. Also the TV is used more than just entertaining people, its a babysitter for parents who dont really care what their kids do.

richardsonb said...

I agree with Morgan when she said that everyone should be in control of their own materials, but i also agree with Susan when she said that our parents should be able to choose what we listen to or watch because our parents care about us and over all they just want whats best for us.

~Brianna Richardson

Brittany R. said...

I agree, because the news is very negative and depressing, but in a way I believe that we need to know what is going on in the world.

Isaac G. said...

I agree with this post because, violent movies such as scary movie(1,2,3,4) because in the movie there is a lot of killings by shootings, stabbings, and sufferance. I also agree because infants watching these types of entertainment will have them grow up thinking its a game and/or for reason.

Brendan O'Connell said...

1: I believe no one should have control over the material we are exposed to. My reasoning for this is, is it not better to prepare ourselves for what is to or might happen in our lifetime. Or are we supposed to just let it hit us and be devistating or detremental to or health/life.
2: I do not believe the news is all negative. You tend to remember the negative because it usually affects us more. This man obviously is negative because he can only focus on the negative output from the news. He can't say one nice thing about the news. This deems him pesimistic. The news can be very intellectual and helpful. While yes it does have negativity it does not only consist of negativity by any stretch of the imagination. It is our duty to take the information given and change it to positive.

Brendan O'Connell said...

I agree with Brianna. Parents do always act on behalf of our welfare, but at the same time i think parents don't know everything. Therefore what they think is protecting can turn out to hurt you in the long run. Many sheltered kids become socially inept because they don't know how society functions. Many children grow up not knowing how hard life is. People get shot, STABBED, and killed every day. Parents need to realize that if we don't know the truth about life, we won't ever have one.

Isaiah said...

I personally think that everyone has the right to listen to, watch, and read what they want. Although whatever that is could be against another's opinion, we as teens have the freedom to live our lives the way we want.

Lina said...

I think that every individual should be able to make their own decisions and be responsible for their actions. Therefore everyone should be able to monitor their own books, television, and music.

chance.anzivine said...

The people should be in charge of monitoring the different types of media we are exposed. That way, we can say what we want and if we don't agree with someone's idea or article, we can tell them directly.

I agree with Ray Bradbury. The news only states the wrong doings in the world. There is never a story on the news about someone doing something good or helping another human being. The only thing ever mentioned is war and the economy.

luke.hennessy said...

1) I think the parents of the world should be in charge of what we watch. The parents of our society are much more loose with their controlling of their children.

2) I agree and disagree with Bradbury's statements. I do agree with him in saying that Telivision is very dangerous. I dont agree with him saying it is all crap. It isn't, we have learned so much from telivision, and plus the news around the world has become much easier to understand and we can get different insights.

Mrs. McI said...

I agree that everyone should be able to make their own decisions AS LONG AS they ARE responsible for their own actions. Too many times people refuse to take responsiblity for their mistakes...that's when the trouble starts.

kayla avino said...

i disagree because television is the number one thing people do when they are bored. television also is like a education in my prospective. if there is no television they people cant learn what the society around them is trying to teach or do.

Erin Zlockie said...

1)I think that the people should be in charge of monitoring the types of materials. In the end, this is what people will be exposed to and I think that by people monitoring this, the society can decide as one what they want to be exposed to.

2) I agree and disagree at the same time with Bradbury's statement. Yes, televison does expose the bad in the world. But at the same time, the news reports on good information also. It's not all about the negativity that Bradbury seems to think. It's seems like a half and half to me.

Mack_Y said...

1. I think that you yourself should monitor the materials you watch and listen to. The society can decide together on what you are exposed to by what people like and dislike.

2. I agree with Erin. Television defines in great detail the wrong things that people are doing in this world, but then again it informs us with logical information. Things we can learn and react to by means of the information you received.

-Mackenzie Yanetsko

Turtlecore25 said...

1. I believe that it is the choice of the consumer to choose what is right for themselves to watch, read, buy, listen to, pet, eat, etc. People should be able to learn what they can handle and go by their own standards.

2. Bradbury made the point that the majority of things on modern television can be upsetting, whatever it may be. I agree, because rarely do you see something uplifting on the news. For the most part it's a series of deaths, wars, rapes, and other news of oppression.

Turtlecore25 said...

*-Jonah Rosel