Do you think it is possible for one person to have a dramatic effect on the environment or another person's life? What is your position? Support your position using examples. When you are finished with your post, search the Internet for articles in the news that could be used as support as well. Then, post a link to that article.
Here is a sample response:
I believe that one person have an effect on the environment and a person. I know this is true because I've experienced it first hand. I think people affect us personally, and make a difference in our lives.
Many years ago I had a student who really wanted to perform on stage at school. Our school had no drama club and she spoke to me about it. I thought she had a wonderful idea and suggested that she go to the administration to find out what she would need to do to start such a club. This one student took it upon herself to go through all of the proper channels, hold specific meetings,schedule a venue, and get the support she needed to begin the club. She asked if I would be interested in advising and the drama club was born!
More recently, my...
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I was asked the question "Do you believe that one person can have a majot effect on the evironment and/or another person's life?" I answered yes I agree with this statement because one person can agree to make a difference and also trys at it, a lot of people will do the same. this will act as a chain reaction. One reason I believe that one person can make a change is because I saw a commercial once, and this lady was walking around New York City asking people if they wanted to help the Earth. By the end of the commercial she has a lot of people helping her.
Tylor Gill..... Here is an article about a girl that makes a diffrence in peoples lives
I found an article online about Hillary Rodham Clinton helping others, by stating that America will stand by Afghanistan and try to eliminate evils like Al Quida.
Bryce T.
Zack B. I agree that one person can have a major effect on the envirorment or another person's life. one person could dump something harmful to the to the evirorment. or couldget into a =n accedint and change their familily's life forever.
Gabriel P.
I don't believe that only one person can do anything alone. i also don't believe that an act can change aanything because it would have to be agreed upon by many people. so that alone makes it a group effort.
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