Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cool Classroom: Research Paper Help

Cool Classroom: Research Paper Help

Gallery Walk Through the Great Depression

Huge success! Students, you did an amazing job on your research projects. I'm very proud of you! I'll be posting pictures very soon!
Mrs. McI

What projects/groups were your favorite and why?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Research Paper Help

Check out the following links for database searches, MLA Citation help, etc.

Homework Help - What is going on in English I?

Month of February
Research Paper - The Great Depression
** Gallery Walk - Thursday and Friday, Feb. 28th and 29th
** Paper due dates: Tuesday and Wednesday, February 19th and 20th

finding sources
checking for credible sources
using databases
asking questions
note taking methods
cut and paste procedure
parenthetical documentation

pasting notes to rough draft

thesis statements