Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Attention Parents....

Welcome to our blog. Please feel free to explore our site, comment on our work, and let us know how we are doing! If you have any suggestions for a post, link, or anything else to add, just email me at or post to this blog.

Quiz on poetic devices!

Quiz on Tuesday, 9/18 and Wednesday, 9/19. Don't forget to study! Use your cornell notes, vocabulary packets, class discussions, and pre-assessment quiz.

Our ballad so far

"Honors I" by the Class of 2011

Middle school is over,
we have moved to South Lenoir.
Our bookbags are packed full,
what will our teachers have in store? (Mrs. McI)

This school is so big,
it is like a maze.
Is this what a fish feels like?
As if he's in a haze? (Matt)

I hope I don't get lost
and that I survive the school's lunch.
Oh No! My bookbag fell on me,
and I heard my back go crunch. (Regan)

At first I was afraid,
now everything's a blast.
I am beginning to have fun,
now that the first day has passed. (Lexi)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Add a line of poetry game...

Okay - the rules are:
Use an abcb rhyme scheme. This means that the poem will be set up in 4 line stanzas (paragraphs) and lines 2 and 4 will rhyme and lines 1 and 3 can not rhyme. I'll start the first stanza (so we can see what abcb rhyme scheme looks like) and then you can each add one line. Let's see what we can do!

"Honors 9"
by the Class of 2011

Middle school is over,
we have moved to South Lenoir.
Our bookbags are packed full,
what do our teachers have in store?

As you can see, lines 2 and 4 rhyme with "Lenoir" and "store". Lines 1 and 3 do not rhyme, with "over" and "full". Who wants to start a new stanza? Go for it. Be creative, quirky, smart; this is just for fun! Let's see what we can do!

Who loves poetry???

Okay folks,
Now it is time to get creative! We will be starting our poetry unit this week. Do any of you have any ideas on how we might best use this blog during our unit? I was thinking maybe we could share some of our poetry or start a line of poetry and then each add our own line w/ a certain set rhyme scheme. What are your thoughts?

Saturday, August 25, 2007

How are you smart?

It's a simple question. Yet, when trying to answer simply, the question becomes more complex. Think of Howard Gardner's research in Multiple Intelligences, your own strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, and the surveys we did in class. Now, how are you smart? What is your learning style? How might being able to identify your own learning style actually help you learn anything? Think about it. Then post your thoughts.

(survey developed by Laura Chandler) You might want to try taking it if you haven't already!